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Fig.3 shows the type of evaporator which we manufacture. This works in exactly the same way as the kettle.Liquid refrigerant is passed into the. The ideal basic refrigeration cycle consists of four components, connected by piping with refrigerant flowing through the system. Figure 13 shows the components 4 key components needed in a basic refrigera=on cycle: 1. Compressor. 2. Condenser. 3. Evaporator Compresses low pressure refrigerant vapor from the. of a refrigeration system and forced into the condenser. The condenser removes the superheat, latent heat of vaporization, and in some cases, sensible heat fromRefrigeration 101. Rusty Walker, Corporate Trainer. Hill PHOENIX Basic. Refrigeration. Cycle. Evaporator. Condenser /. Receiver. Expansion. Refrigeration is basic to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry. One of the most important applications of refrigeration has been the Fundamentals of refrigeration thermodynamics. 1st edition Ammonia-water system using a refrigerant heat exchanger and a rectifier. After the Second World War the development of small hermetic refrigeration compressors evolved and refrigerators and freezers began to take their place in the
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