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2014 Louisiana Laws Universal Citation: LA Rev Stat § 32:235 Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Traffic Engineering. Manual. Revised 04/2015 Animal warning signs shall not be installed on Louisiana state owned roadways. The MUTCD. Our industry leading plans let you know the exact equipment and placement on roadways, and that each job is in accordance with Louisiana Manual On UniformLouisiana is a state with varied landscapes from swamps to forests to freeways, and navigating them all requires a driver's license, and getting one starts When used in the Handbook, it refers to the National MUTCD. •National MUTCD - (2009 National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.) This guide is not intended to be an official legal reference to the Louisiana traffic laws. It only highlights those laws, driving practices and procedures Status of the National MUTCD (2009 Edition) · State MUTCD · State Supplement · State Traffic Control Detailed Drawings, Policies, Design Manuals, etc.
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