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We would therefore encourage you to use the individual subscale scores rather than the total score. INTERNALISING BEHAVIOURS. Page 2. CHILD OUTCOMES MEASURE: RCAD Scores —Child/Young Person. © 2011 Copyright. 116. Never. Sometimes. Often. Alw ays. Social Phobia. Panic. Disorder. Major. Depression. Separation. Microsoft Word Versions or Interactive PDF Versions of RCADS do not exist. Scoring the RCADS-25 and RCADS-25-P uses converted scores on the total scale Completion time: 5–10 minutes. Overall depression score. Scoring System. Overall anxiety score. Subscales. # of Items. The RCADS-Parent consists of six subscales helpful in screening children for A Total Anxiety Scale score (sum of the 5 anxiety subscales) and a Total RCADS and RCADS-P Scoring Worksheet*. Response Values: Never = 0. Sometimes = 1. Often = 2. Always = 3. Separation. Anxiety Scale. Generalized.To improve outcomes and evidence what difference listening to the child or young person has made. Guidance. • Google RCADS scoring. This will bring up Resources
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