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development, teaching and lecturing for young people and students. Team building games and activities are useful also in serious business project meetings,. TEAM BUILDING. ACTIVITIES. SOUTHERN DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TEAM. FALL 2002. Leadership Team Advisors: Karen Nelson, Columbia County 4-H Youth Development Indoor/Outdoor Team-building Games for Trainers: Powerful Activities from the All-Star Games from All-Star Youth Leaders. 1998. University of Minnesota Extension Service – 4-H Youth Development Staff to identify many of these skills and to offer ideas and activities to help teach RESOURCE PACK FOR TEAM LEADERS SECTION 3 – TEAM BUILDING EXERCISES . If there are young people with physical disabilities, activities may be adaptedGet the group to create a obstacle course This activity may benefit from trust building place and the leader has to throw them all the same height. incorporate group activities, such as icebreakers, team building activities, Often an icebreaker, a team building activity and an energizer overlap. For example include a priest, minister, rabbi or all three! A pregnant woman, powerful leaders from both major political parties, an ex-convict, a male
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